Today in the Garden 4-10-20

When God made man, He placed him in the garden to work, learn, and live. That same God wants to teach us… about food, about plants, about life, about Himself, about His love for us. The Lord is ready to speak… Are you listening? Join us today in the garden!

Today as I was moving plants out into the sun, I was arrested by a familiar aroma. The Tangelo is blooming again!

There’s nothing like the smell of those Tangelo blossoms in the spring. Sweeter than a Lily with that signature citrus twist! Every year I am surprised and elated by the arrival of those sweet blooms. It makes me think of how our relationship with God should be… consistent, joyful, sweet.

“Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” — Psalm 37:4

I’m watching the forecasts diligently to see when our lows will remain above 50 degrees so that I can get this poor tree outdoors again where it belongs. After all, it is the oldest plant I have, experience has proven that the only place it will flourish is in the garden.

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