Here we Grow Again!

I have a confession to make… I miss gardening!! Since my last post, there’s been a lot going on. Moving to a new home is probably the most significant. And that move has given me a new opportunity to grow things again!

Photo by Lukas from Pexels

When I moved into my first apartment, one of the first things that I really missed was the autonomy to plant and marvel at the growth process. All I had was a remnant from my former farming experiments: I have a dwarfed Tangelo tree that still makes wonderful fragrant flowers every year. Maybe that’s how I was able to manage so long!!

Finally, my long suppressed need to work with marigolds, peas, tomatoes, arctic kiwis, blueberries, and whatever else I can manage can be realized without having to ask permission! Last summer, I attempted some peas, beans, and tomatoes right off the patio at my apartment. I’ll save you the suspense: the plants did not do well at all! It was gut-wrenching to watch as the sun-starved seedlings made their feeble attempt at development. The Patio is shaded by the way the sun plays off of the deck above it and the overall structure of the apartment building. There was just enough light to give me hope of growing something. The Tangelo did swell, however (largely because it is so much wider and taller that it could reach the light).

The thought of trying to surmount the obstacle of growing there again was just too much. So… now that we have been blessed with this property with LOTS of space for a HUGE garden it’s time to get cracking! I’ll be posting with the developments but right now I’m trying to finalize a realistic garden layout. I’ve already started the compost pile, though!

Photo by Tabitha Mort from Pexels

Until the next post, try to grow something: just keep it simple in the process.