
Greetings all!!  There have been such HUGE gaps in my posting that I feel obligated to explain a little about what has been going on…  So after my first post, I found myself struggling to keep up with the goals I had set: posting once weekly.  By October, I was feeling like I definitely needed to pick up the pace, and stop making excuses.  I made a conscious effort to type my next post, and on October 23, 2018 as I was furiously trying to put on the finishing touches there was a knock at the door.

My brother and mother called me to the door, and informed me that the police were asking for me. Now, let me say here, that at first I thought this was a routine visit. On my way home I had noticed fire engines and emergency personnel in the complex, so I immediately thought they might want to ask if I saw something or knew any helpful information. But when I reached the door, and the officers wanted to confirm my name specifically, I knew there was something else afoot. When they asked to come in, my heart sank: they had bad news… really bad.

My father was the reason for their visit. As the officer asked me to confirm his name and date of birth, I tried to brace myself. I knew that Dad had me listed as an emergency contact for almost everything. I hoped that we were headed for the emergency room, but there was no need: he was gone. I managed to keep my composure until they left.

Needless to say, life has not just gone on as usual. When I started this blog, the first person to visit was Dad (I called him Bub affectionately), and you’ll still see his comment on my first post. So, my commitment to post every week is compromised by my own struggles with motivation and time management (since now I get to administer his estate).

So now that it’s been a few months, it’s time to revisit, re-evaluate, and re-commit. Bub’s death wasn’t my death, and I am determined to continue post as if he were here to see it. God is faithful, and getting back on track gets easier every day. Thank you for your support and understanding. Sometimes life sends lots of lemons, so we best figure out how to love lemonade.

Until the next post, trust the Lord to help sweeten your bitter experiences, and just keep it simple.