Just Hanging Out

I know I’m not the only person who struggles with the moving process out here. The struggle is real folks! The thought and effort required to get all your stuff packed in a way that makes sense saps mental energy. Then straining for several days to pick things up and put them down leaves you feeling sore and nearly defeated. But that’s not the real battle…

Is it just me, or does it seem like things multiply when you’re moving? Once you move in, you get to re-organize all of your stuff. If you gained square footage, then all joy. But in my case, the last time I moved there was a slight complication: although square footage increased, we also embarked on the complex process of blending stuff from TWO apartments! Arrgghh!

So as you might imagine we had duplicate items, especially in the kitchen.

We quickly realized that the cabinets could not handle our abundance of pots, pans and pyrex. Frustration anyone?

Thankfully I moved in with my Mom, who has a mind that works really well out of the box. She suggested we try something that made so much sense: hang some of the pans that we use frequently on the wall. What a thought!

We bought some command hooks (making sure to check the weight capacity so that our apartment doesn’t sound like a steel band beginner’s class after all this work), and began strategically placing the hooks on the wall. In less than an hour we went from stressing out to just hanging out!

I was so pleased with the new arrangement! Not only did we make a much better use of the limited cabinet space we have, but it’s almost like functional artwork in the kitchen. As we use pans they change positions, so it never looks exactly the same when the day is over. Here’s a photo of the first arrangement.

So what do you think? Would you try this arrangement, or did something else work better for you? Until the next post, take care of yourself, and please keep it Simple!

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