Hello Sunshine!

Hello, and welcome to my blog. My name is Aisha, and as the owner of Simple Life Solutions, I want to thank you for your visit.   I’m a professional house cleaner with a background in auto sales and medical office work (really a strange combination) who loves to craft and learn new skills.  This website is part of my lifelong learning journey.  Since we’re live now, I’d better get cracking with adding more content here for you to read!  I’ll be leaving something new at least once per week.  Please be aware that this site may include links to various products, and as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.You can expect some cleaning tips, updates on some of my latest crafting projects, and some of my best “aha” moments inspired from nature. I hope you’ll find my little nuggets motivational, and practically helpful, and refreshingly simple.   Happy reading!

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